1. What is the EpiGeNet Framework

The EpiGeNet framework is a graph database for storage and querying of conditional relationships between molecular (genetic and epigenetic) events observed at different stages of colorectal (CRC) oncogenesis. Data were i) extracted from StatEpigen, a manually curated and annotated database, containing information on interdependencies between genetic and epigenetic signals, and specialized currently for CRC research, and ii) imported to our newly-developed EpiGeNet, which offers improved capability for management and visualization of data on molecular events specific to CRC initiation and progression

2. How to access the EpiGeNet Framework

The EpiGeNet Framework can be accessed online here.
A non-exhaustive file with Cypher query examples for the EpiGeNet Framework is available for download here.

For developers

The EpiGeNet Framework is freely available for non-commercial purposes and the java code used for data integration and mapping into the framework is available here.

3. How to get Involved

We would be happy to hear from your experience and for feedback, any issues/ suggestions on this, please contact us by email to ibalaur@eisbm.org.

Please cite our paper on this work

Balaur I., Saqi M., Barat A., Lysenko A., Mazein A., Rawlings C.J., Ruskin H.J. and Auffray, C. (2016), EpiGeNet: A Graph Database of Interdependencies Between Genetic and Epigenetic Events in Colorectal Cancer, Journal of Computational Biology, September 2016, ePub(ahead of print). DOI: 0.1089/cmb.2016.0095.